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China Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Material Industry Tech Innovation Summit
On March 23, the 2023 China Puyang Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Material Industry Technology Innovation Summit, 
with the theme of "Ultra High Coherence and Promising Future", was held at the Puyang Guesthouse. Nearly 300 experts,scholars, 
and representatives of entrepreneurs from all over the country gathered in Puyang to renew friendship, discuss cooperation, 

and seek common development.

Mr Zhao from Puyang Tiancheng Chemical Co.,Ltd.,as the representative of Enterprises in Puyang High Tech Zones,
expressed our gratitude towards the organizer of Summit and local Govenment leaders and hope we can put forward our
Molecular Sieves, Petroleum Resins,Hydrocarbon Resins, Monochloroacetic Acid,MTHPA,NMP to the world market early.